Well, we made it! 2010 is just around the corner! This has been a great year. This time last year I was making a BIG leap of faith while jumping into 2009. I had quit my full time job to pursue my photography full time. With the economy the way it was, to say the least my husband and I were a bit nervous but it was now or never. NOW could not have happened at a better time! Jan 1st came and brought a year of amazing things for my family and for Chunky Monkey. Its not to say that I personally did not go though some hard times, trials and tribulations, my family experienced some sad and trying times that will fall into 2010 but everything that we experienced has only made us smarter in so many ways and stronger than we could ever expect! Now looking into the face of 2010, there are a few obstacles that we will have to overcome but I am soooo excited! There are so many things happening with CMP and so many things that I can not wait to announce!
Now, I can say that obviously my year was not amazing all on my own. I had SO many supporters and so many people that helped me in so many ways- some that will never know their part in my great year! There are a few people that I believe deserve a moment in the spotlight!
Brian- My wonderful, supporting husband! Without you, my year would not have been so amazing. You have stood by me, supported me in every way possible! Though the all-nighters, every "hey, come look at this picture!", and "what do you think about this?"....you have been amazing and I can not thank you enough!
Nana and Papaw- My wonderful parents and the worlds most AMAZING babysitters! I think they had my daughter almost as much as I did at some points throughout the year. Every time I turned around and needed them, they were there! Kendyl loves her Nana and Papaw and I cant imagine my life without them! (Nor could I imagine my Christmas sessions without one the greatest Santas!!)
My Kiddos- WOW! You two are the reason I do this! To be able to stay home with Kendyl and watch everything she does! I felt like I missed out so much on her first year and now I am able to see every moment and every minute of her growing up and I love it! And Austin....well, lets just say his eyes never stuck in the back of his head from the rolling of the eyes that COULD have taken place EVERY time I said...LETS GO DO PICTURES!!! 12 years old dont like to do that...but he did...with a smile! And all the hours he would be visiting and playing with his sister for hours on end to help me get though some editing! I love you guys!
My MOST wonderful friends (aka: customers!)- Without you all this would not be possible. I love being a part of your families, watching your kiddos growing up and having a blast at each and every session! (Even the heat, cold, etc!!). Its amazing to be a part of it and I thank you so much! I can't wait to see what this next year has in store for us and meet all those additions that will grace us with their arrivals this year!!
Now- to end the year, I would LOVE to say that I have a picture of my kiddos ready to show off but I don't....sad face. My daughter is back in the stage of not smiling for a real picture so we will be working on that as her resolution for 2010..lol. But, I do have a few pictures that I want to show off of someone that is just as near and dear to my heart. My bff of wow....over 20 years! We have seen each other though so much and this coming year is a very special year to her! She is getting married to a wonderful man! I got the privilege of spending a COLD, WET but FUN afternoon with them and getting some fun engagement pictures! Congratulations Taryn and Robert....you guys are amazing and I wish nothing but the best for you guys! I can't wait to get my hands on those little ones that should be coming sooner than later (no pressure!!!). I love you guys!